Sunday, October 25, 2009

Watch me now!

Look at me with my bad self. Okay, but it's been awhile since only a week has passed since my last post.

Brideshead Revisited, by Evelyn Waugh. A beautifully written book about grace, the disappearing aristocracy, famly dymanics, and goodness knows what else. Very complex characters, particularly Sebastian. Was Sebastian gay? Were Charles and Sebastian more than just "friends." How can Bridey get religion so wrong. He embodies much that is wrong with religion.

All of the characters changed; Nanny Hawkins is mostly the constant against whom all others are measured. In the end, Lord Marchmain seems to accept the religion he spent so much of his married life rejecting and even Charles seems more open to God's grace.

I tried to negotiate for a used copy of this book. The bookseller refused to give on the price because she rarely gets in used copies. "People tend to hang on to their copies." I have a better understanding of why.

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