So what have I been up to in the month since I've written? Well . . . let's see. I did indeed finsih listening to The Assault on Reason. It was thought-provoking, if a bit repetitive. Yes, Al, I heard it the first 5 times you said that Americans watch 4 1/2 hours of tv/day on average. Yes, I get the Bush administration is essentially evil, and I wonder if perhaps there are sour grapes on your part. But, either way, I agree with most of what the book says. We are being manipulated, and we don't even realize it. And, if we don't take back our country, and soon, we will have only ourselves to blame. Good book, Al.
I also finished reading Man Without a Country. It was a little hard to get into, initially. For Alex, it was a short read, but it was anything but that for me, at least at first. As it turned out, I agreed with much of what it said. A curmudgeonly old liberal who makes some very good points. My favorite quote from the book is, "There are no 'good old days'. Just days." I like that. I like remembering to live in the present--not the nostalgic past or the unattainable future.
I'm now on to reading Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison. Didn't realize it would have the existentialism aspect. Boy! That's stretching my philsophical memory. But it's well-written and has lots of food for thought. I can relate in many ways. In this society, so many of us AAs are invisible. Are we also blind?
I'm listening to Vanity Fair. Good social commentary, that's as relevant today as it was when it was written. Everyone is out to use the next person for whatever they can get, and the value of a person is dependent on that person's possessions. I think there's some truth in the idea that we become what the world expects of us. There are a lot of Becky Sharps in the world.
I'll be working on Vanity Fair for another week or so. Perhaps two more weeks for Invisible Man. I wish I had more time or energy!
I also finished reading Man Without a Country. It was a little hard to get into, initially. For Alex, it was a short read, but it was anything but that for me, at least at first. As it turned out, I agreed with much of what it said. A curmudgeonly old liberal who makes some very good points. My favorite quote from the book is, "There are no 'good old days'. Just days." I like that. I like remembering to live in the present--not the nostalgic past or the unattainable future.
I'm now on to reading Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison. Didn't realize it would have the existentialism aspect. Boy! That's stretching my philsophical memory. But it's well-written and has lots of food for thought. I can relate in many ways. In this society, so many of us AAs are invisible. Are we also blind?
I'm listening to Vanity Fair. Good social commentary, that's as relevant today as it was when it was written. Everyone is out to use the next person for whatever they can get, and the value of a person is dependent on that person's possessions. I think there's some truth in the idea that we become what the world expects of us. There are a lot of Becky Sharps in the world.
I'll be working on Vanity Fair for another week or so. Perhaps two more weeks for Invisible Man. I wish I had more time or energy!
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