Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A pretty good one

One for the Money, by Janet Evanovich. I've been a bit of a hater if the last two reads are any indication. But alas! A pretty good book. The Facebook question on the B&N page asking about books that made readers laugh sparked my interest. It might not have a gut-splitter, but there was still some funny parts. The 250 pound whore, who apparently is in good physical shape--humping all day must keep you in shape! Who, besides Stephanie Plum, would, 1) intentionally hit the guy she screwed in high school with a Buick; 2) go into bounty hunting with no experience, and an initial fear of her gun; 3) get herself handcuffed to her shower rack naked?

The story was a bit wacky, but it moved. And it was a short (and thereby quick) read. Nothing too taxing, but interesting nonetheless. I think I might just give Two for the Money a shot.

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